Brazil, South America’s largest nation, is home to the world’s largest tropical rain forest. The Amazon River Basin holds 20% of the world’s freshwater and produces 20% of its oxygen. It plays a major role in stabilizing the earth’s ecosystem. But that balance is shifting. Production and profit for a fast growing economy jeopardizes the preservation of Amazonia.
“Tipping Point: The Amazon” is a new documentary from CCTV America, the Americas division of China Central Television. The one hour film explores whether the Amazon can survive Brazil’s rapid economic growth. 
CCTV America correspondent Sean Callebs travels the Amazon from Macapa, Manaus, Altamira to Parauapebas to reveal the people and the eco-system that supports them.
Callebs examines the construction of the extraordinary Belo Monte Dam on the Xingu River in the state of Pará. In an extensive month long investigation carried out in the summer of 2013, he interviews governors, industrialists, eco-warriors, and ordinary people. He profiles the Kayapo people and even meets a giant anaconda.